Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Karma: It works, bitches!

Just a little bit ago, I posted about finding and returning a phone.

This week, it's our turn! We went out to play some badminton at the local sport center. Jessica handed me her ID card to hold on to. When we got home, it was nowhere to be found. Calling the sport center the next morning resulted in exactly zilch.


The following day, Jessica got a phone call or SMS. Somebody had found her card in the snow and tracked her down. She lives out of town and is promptly sending it by mail. How nice is that?!?!

Karma? I don't honestly believe in a supernatural balancing force, but the truth is that the more good you do for the world, the larger the amount of goodness in the world, and the greater the chance some good will fall on you. Simple mathematics. If we model "goodness" as a Poisson distribution, or perhaps a Gaussian, we could even calculate the expected change in goodness in your own life for every X of goodness you add to the world. But that's a bit silly, because we all know "goodness" is fractal, right?

So, karma!

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